Saturday, June 6, 2009

Memorial Day

Dave has decided to have a tradition that whenever there is a holiday that falls on a Monday, we take the kids out to Breakfast. Here we are on Memorial Day.

Dave and KL

CK, B, L, D

After breakfast, Dave headed off to work, and we headed off to the Cemetery. We met up with my family. Here we all are at my sister's neice's grave who died last summer.Unfortunately, I didn't get the camera out when we went to my cousin's daughter's grave. I'll have to do that next year. My little sister pointed out how now, there are more and more friends and family graves than there ever were before. When I was little, we never knew anyone who had been buried there, but now that has changed.

L and Katy putting flowers on the grave of a veteran.

KL just enjoyed the day, especially when she got to ride on Grandpa's shoulders.

1 comment:

Mary-Sunshine said...

I love the picture of Dad and KL. It is so cute, they both have such genuine smiles!