Friday, January 23, 2009

The Apple (I Mean Orange) Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I absolutely love oranges... the fresh ones that is.  Not the ones from the grocery store that have next to no flavor, and the flavor they do have is mostly sour.  Well, recently my brother in law and nephew went out to my aunts house to pick oranges and brought me back a big box.  I have been in heaven.  They taste better than candy!!  This is an opinion that I share with some of my kids--mostly my sweet little baby.  She just loves them.  Well, as I was sitting here at my desk, my little darling brings me the following things.  I had to be impressed by her!  She had gone into the pantry where the oranges are (not too impressive--they are on the bottom shelf), then she went to the drawer where the orange peeler is and got it out.  This one is a little bit more impressive to me because there are 4 drawers in a row and she knew which one it was in, plus she can barely reach the drawers, so she found it without looking somehow...either that... or she saw it in the dishwasher and pulled it out... still impressive that she knew what it was for, right?  Anyway, I decided that level of dedication deserves the reward she worked so hard for.   So I peeled it for her.  Here she is reaching with all her might to reach the countertop where her treasure lay.

Stuffing them in her mouth.
See how happy she is now?  What could be better than that?  I don't know either.  She must be my daughter!


nicole said...

Smart little girl. She's already learning about the good things in life. I love homegrown oranges too! Thanks for sending the pictures to me. They will soon be used in a future post.

Jill said...

She is too cute! Oranges right off the tree at the perfect season are the absolute BEST!!!

Name Without End said...

Okay, Cheryl, where are MY oranges? As I threw away some sour oranges the other day, I was thinking how nice it would be to have some Arizona oranges.

bethiepoos said...

ahh maymay....... so cute!

Andrea W. said...


Some Kind of Crazy said...

She is darling! I don't remember ever having had a store bought orange until I was at the Y. Yuck! I was shocked by the difference! That first year away my mom sent me a box with an orange tree branch in blossom. It was the best thing I had ever smelled!

Ali said...

Hi Cheryl, I just stumbled across your blog again when I saw your name w/ a comment on Nicole's and thought I'd leave you a comment. You are a really fun writer sister! Your blog is so fun to read and your little orange lover is too cute. Also, I told my DH today after church that when we have a game night (something I am always trying to convince him to do...) we had to invite you guys because I want to see your DH laugh and smile. He always looks to serious! And he didn't get to make the Halloween party, so that's only fair. Right? ;0)