Sunday, January 16, 2011

Look, Ma! No Tooth!

CK has had a couple of loose teeth for some time now. No matter how I try, I just can't convince her that she wants them out. I would wiggle them for her, but, I will admit, not too gently, just to get the ball rolling. Still, nothing. I finally decided to take matters into my own hands last month a couple of weeks before Christmas because the 2 new teeth are almost completely grown in. I went to "wiggle" but instead, I yanked! I got 1 out, but the other one was (and is) still pretty secure.

Despite getting rid of her first baby tooth, she still was pretty traumatized by the event.
Here she is holding her letter and tooth for the Tooth Fairy.

A beautiful close up. You can see the adult tooth poking up, and the other one up trying to maneuver itself in too. (That 2nd tooth is till securely in her mouth and you can imagine how much more it has grown in!) You can also see a nice big tear sliding down her cheek.

While she did enjoy the money the Tooth Fairy brought her, she is still extremely cautious when I come around. She clamps that mouth down awfully tight and I'm not allowed anywhere near her mouth! I think I may have to try sneaking in her room at night when she's sleeping for the next one...

1 comment:

Name Without End said...

I hope the tooth fairy left a good surprise for all that drama!