I have everything in chronological order so here goes!
Our hotel was about 2 blocks from the Capital and the Courthouse so as soon as we got there, we took a walk down.
Here is Dave and I and my mom and dad standing in front of The Capital.
This was also taken from up on the steps of the Courthouse. It was a very impressive building. Everything was marble--including this whole front courtyard area.
After dinner, Dave went back to the hotel and my parents and I went to do some sightseeing. Here are my parents in front of the Washington Monument.
It was raining and the clouds were pretty low. This is a picture of the monument with the rain and clouds and you can see how you couldn't see the top of it.
Next, we walked down to the WWII monument. It was easily one of the most beautiful. This and the Lincoln were my favorite. There was definitely a sense of reverence. I really enjoyed seeing all these things at night, not only because of how beautiful they looked all lit up, but because there weren't a lot of people and so there was such a peaceful feeling.
There are pillars that go all the way around the fountain and each has a different state.
On each end, there are big archways that you walk through. One is dedicated to the Atlantic, and this one is dedicated to the Pacific.
Next, was the Vietnam Memorial. This book has the names of everyone who died in the war. Again, it was humbling. We were able to find the name of someone my mom knew from home.
Passing the Washington Monument on our way back to the hotel. I really wish these pictures could do justice to them!
The hearing!!!
There were so many people waiting to go in to hear the argument. I can't tell you how far the line wrapped because I couldn't see the end. The Court Marshall told everyone that if they were in line by 7, they should be able to get in. Not so. My parents got in line shortly after 5:30 and they were unable to get inside. Dave's parents and sisters came down to see it too, but also couldn't get inside. After they seated those who they could fit (only about 50; FYI: those who were in the front was Matt's family and they were there at 4 am), they had another line where they allowed people to go in and watch for 3 minutes. Our parents/families were able to go in for that much of it, but from what I understand really couldn't see anything. They were hidden pretty well behind curtains. I didn't even see them coming in because they were so obstructed.
Here I am inside the courthouse while we waited to be seated.
Matt's Mom, Kim (Matt's Wife), me, Kirk (a partner at the firm), Jared (an attorney from the firm), Scott (another attorney from the firm).
This is the basis of the case. Her mother sued the principal. One argument that the ACLU attorney made was that no one searched her locker before she was given the more invasive search. This just goes to show how well he knew the facts. There were no lockers. I also read in an article that Savanna claims she doesn't know why Marissa pointed the finger at her because they weren't really friends anymore--she was too much of nerd at this point. However, the boy who originally came to the administrator said that he had seen the 2 girls together the previous day sniffing the black permanent marker in the school courtyard(th marker that was found in the planner--this isn't a matter of record because he didn't identify this until after she had been sent to the nurses office for the search), so that really discredits that argument in my mind.
I have been asked what Dave feels about this--if he is just doing his job or if he believes it. While I can't speak for him, I will tell you what I think. Knowing the circumstances surrounding this search, I would have been outraged if I found out the school knew all of the above facts and failed to do everything they could to discover the drugs and make sure no group of kids took these pills. Anyone of them could have ended up sick, or worse and then the anger and outrage would have been worse. Can you imagine being a parent and having your child end up sick because of this and then find out the school knew that what was going on but didn't do everything they could to prevent it? That would have been irresponsible, and this "common sense" that apparently has been left behind (according to so many uninformed people who leave comments about this case) would truly be called into question. The ACLU attorney said in a news clip that search was so wrong that, "it should have been self-evident." I keep wanting to scream at anyone who hears only the 1 side and agrees with this that if it is so "self-evident" it never would have been heard by the Supreme Court!
Anyway... there is my editorial and from now on, whenever I want to know the truth about an issue, I will have to find out for myself. For the most part, I don't believe "investigative journalism" exists. It is all "editorial journalism."
At any rate... we will find out which way the justices decide probably towards the end of June.
Here are Dave and Matt walking out after it was over.
These are all the attorney's from the firm that were there.
(only Matt and Dave were working on this and whose names appear on the brief and sat at Counsel's table. The others were just there because it was such a big deal, they didn't want to miss it. 2 of them were admitted to the Supreme Court that morning. You don't have to be present for that--Dave wasn't when he was admitted--but it was just great timing for them!)
(only Matt and Dave were working on this and whose names appear on the brief and sat at Counsel's table. The others were just there because it was such a big deal, they didn't want to miss it. 2 of them were admitted to the Supreme Court that morning. You don't have to be present for that--Dave wasn't when he was admitted--but it was just great timing for them!)
Jared, Dave, Matt, Kirk, Scott.
My mom (Laurel) and dad (Mark), me, Dave, Dave's Mom (Shirley), and dad (Allan), and Dave's sisters, Stephanie, and Kapua.
Dave and I on the courthouse steps.
(Note the cool quill I'm holding.
That was on the "counsel's table" for all the attorney's).
(Note the cool quill I'm holding.
That was on the "counsel's table" for all the attorney's).
When my kids were watching the news clips, they were asking where their daddy was and why he wasn't on tv. He was over here. He had no desire to be in the middle of it and was quite happy to let Matt take all the glory there. :)
After things had calmed down, and after lunch, we walked back to the capital. There was the statue of King Kamehameha so we took a picture of Dave with his ancestor. :)
Me and Dad outside the American History Museum.
Mom and me and the Washington Monument... again...
The White House:
Me and The White House
The next day, we went to lunch with the clients right down the street from the White House, so we got to take a picture from the front.
I thought this was interesting: This lady has been protesting nuclear weapons since 1981!!! There is now a law that you can't protest, or so we thought. Someone went and asked the security guard and he said people can protest but only for the day and they have to carry all their stuff in (there was another demonstration right next to this one). However, this lady has been grandfathered in. She started this protest with her husband so long ago, so she is able to stay. Whenever the street is secured, she has to leave, but she gets to come back. However, if she ever leaves it on her own, they get to take her down. When her husband with her, they would take turns going to the bathroom and getting food. He has since passed away, so I don't know how she is taking care of those basic needs now, or even how she has money to get the necessities, assuming she has people to go and get the things for her. Anyway... here she is.
Mom and The Capital from The Mall.
On the night of the case, we went out to dinner down at Union Station. here we all are: (left side first, clockwise) Dave, Me, Mom, Dad, Sara (hidden-Matt's daughter) (rt side of the table) Larry (Matt's son in law), Julie (Matt's sis), Beau, Baily (Matt's kids), Kim, Matt
The next day, Dave and I were walking back to Union Station for dinner, and I thought this was such a cool picture with the sunset.
Thursday morning, Dave's parents picked us up and we went and spent a our last couple days with them. We got to spend some time with our cute little niece and nephews that we don't get to see very often... or ever!
This is Brennan. We got to go to the park with him. Dave was determined to make sure they left as best friends. We have long been warned that he doesn't really warm to outsiders... especially men. While I don't know if I can say there are BF's now, at least he wasn't afraid of us anymore!
Here are the rest of the kids.
Julia, Alex (or "Jr." as Dave likes to call him... his middle name is Kapena, which is Dave's Hawaiian names. He is really proud of this. He was especially happy when he called out "Jr!" and Alex responded.) and Gable.Grandma Shirley, Brennan, Dave, Stephanie, "Jr." and Kapua
Grandma Shirley, Steph, Brennn
Grandma Shirley, Brennan, Stephanie
Well, if you have stuck with me this whole time, congratluations! It has taken me the better part of the afternoon and evening to get to this point. I now have my couch full of laundry, and my kids 1/2 hour past bedtime, but documenting this trip was worth it. It was such an amazing experience. I'm so proud of Dave for all his hard work. He really does so much for us. While he didn't do the actual arguing, or was quoted by any of the media, he really was instrumental to getting them their. As we were walking into the court house, Matt's wife turned to me and said, "Dave got us here."
One last little thing: For those of you who think that Dave is always so serious!
So, did your side win?
And you look cute with braces. I remember you having such perfect teeth, though! Was that all in my mind? :)
I forgot to mention that! We will find out sometime towards the end of June what the ruling will be. As far as the braces go... my teeth weren't bad, but I have always hated the space. I was helping Amy with some stuff at her new house and Alan offered to do this for me. He made me an offer I couldn't refuse!
Hi! Hi! Hi! I am awesome! Go Broncos! We will win the AFC west! Go Broncos!
Wow - awesome on so many levels. What a unique experience. Definitely worthy of a long post. Also made me miss D.C. a bit - we lived out in that area for almost 4 years, and there are things I miss about it, definitely.
It all sounds incredible! Thanks for all the pictures!
It sounds like a great week. And jam-packed too! I loved seeing the inner harbor in Baltimore. Didn't you just love the aquarium? And I couldn't help but laugh at your choice for dessert. I would have been right there with you! Can't wait to hear the verdict. What a great experience for Dave!
Wow! What a cool experience. How fun for you!
phew... I think I can safely say I have read 5 novels now! hehhe
that was interesting cheryl xxx
see you in the morning
How will you ever top that??? AMAZING!
cheryl, serioulsy! jealousy sets in everytime i read that (3x now!) how fun!!! that trip looke amazing! dave and matt... quite the studs. i agree with you... i would be outraged if the school didnt do anything about it, esp given the previous circumstances.
wish i could have been there!!!!!
ps... you did mention that you will find out the end of june
you made the correct jean choice! and, the shirt was cute. good wardrobe choices!
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