Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sleeping Beauties

When KL was just 5 months old, we were preparing for Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Allan to come for a visit. Naturally, this preparation consisted of quite a bit of mad cleaning on my part the last day before they arrived. The night before they came had been quite crazy and I hadn't given KL much attention at all. It was dinner time and the kids were eating take out Chinese picnic style on the floor in front of the fridge because the couches were where the table was because we had just had the carpet cleaned. I had put KL in the Bumbo next to the kids while I was running around the kitchen trying to keep some amount of order and keep the dinner mess contained to the 10ft square blanket I had laid down to eat on and no where else in my house I had spent all day cleaning. Eventually, I turned to check on the baby who had been so patient with me, despite my neglect. I found her like this:

I took this picture with my phone and it has always been one of my favorites. She was totally sound asleep and she looked so sweet.

Well, about a month ago, we were having a crazy day again (ok, probably a normal day) and A was set in the bumbo to be ignored while I tried to take care of the rest of the kids. Again, I eventually looked over to her and found her asleep like this:

I just couldn't resist taking the pictures since reminded me so much of KL doing the same thing at the same age. There really is just something so sweet about a sleeping baby! When ever I see one of the kids just fall asleep in the middle of something I always just laugh and have to take a pictures. Here is another set of pictures of these 2 little girls falling asleep in similar ways (can you tell which is which?):

In the high chair

(Baby 1:)

Baby #2):

Just in case you couldn't tell, #1 is KL and #2 is A. I love my babies!!!

Here is just another cute picture of A asleep.
I'm pretty sure this one is from one of the other kids who got a hold of the camera.

1 comment:

Liz Richins said...

I think you should give me one of those cute girls!:-)